Member Organisation H&S Events
Do you have an upcoming internal Health and Safety event that you would like NISG to be involved with?
In the past year we have been asked by some of our members to attend their internal Health & Safety events, which have involved their own employees, their customers and supply chain, and this week’s visit also included members of the public at Belfast International Airport for Airport Safety Week.
This allows us to advise on the benefits of NISG membership and provide information on what we do at NISG via face-to-face contact. We can also provide speakers from within our Executive Committee for short presentations.
Drop us an email on if you have an upcoming H&S event and would like NISG to exhibit or have one of the Executive Committee speak for you.
Acheson and Glover - Go Home Safe Day - October 2023
NIHE Contractor Health and Safety Event - March 2024
Belfast International Airport - Airport Safety Week - May 2024