Webinar: Managing Legionella risks in water systems
The webinar will be recorded for distribution on our website.
Also, with such a large response the webinar will be rerun on 22nd March.
Details of how to book will be available shortly.
This is a joint meeting with the National Irish Safety Organisation
It was tempting to simply call this webinar ‘Legionella and Lockdown’, however the risk of Legionnaires’ Disease won’t disappear when life gets back to the ‘new’ normal.
Having said that, as part of his presentation Industrial Microbiologist Pat McDonald will certainly cover the issues that have arisen with lockdown/reduced building occupancy during the pandemic.
Where the regulations differ in both jurisdictions the speakers will mention this.
The presentation will cover:-
- What is Legionella and how is Legionnaires’ Disease contracted?
- People at increased risk of contracting Legionnaires’ Disease
- Where can Legionella be found in a building's systems?
- Control measures required to reduce risk
- A Legionella risk management plan
- Controls to reduce the risk of Legionella proliferation?
- Legionella risk assessment frequency
- Action following Legionella bacteria being detected in a building's water system
- Record keeping
- Information on lockdowns/reduced staff numbers
- Q & A
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