Risk management, past present and future
This Conference is organised through a partnership of the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI), the Northern Ireland Safety Group (NISG), the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), the Northern Ireland Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (NIC/ICTU) and Ballymena Borough Council representing the District Councils of Northern Ireland.
The Conference theme is Risk Management - Past, Present and Future. The Conference will explore the priority issues for workplace health and safety in Northern Ireland alongside the need for an approach that delivers sensible risk management. The event will aim to encourage the audience to have a clear focus on where attention needs to be paid in terms of effective health and safety management, especially in today's economic climate. Breakout sessions including case studies dealing with safe maintenance issues and vulnerable workers will also be included.
Achieving excellence in workplace health and safety is something that we all should aspire to, both from a moral and economic perspective, but turning the theory into practice is not always easy. The aim of the conference is to do just that by bringing together an experienced and knowledgeable panel of speakers who will demonstrate through presentations and case studies, how to successfully deal with a number of key issues. You will then be in a position to consider how you might apply the right risk management techniques to your own working environment.
I hope you will be able to join us at the Conference in the assurance that it will benefit you in dealing with health and safety management within your own organisation.
I look forward to welcoming you on the day.
Priscilla Woods
Chairperson of the Spring Conference Steering Committee
Click on download button to see the full contents of the Confrerence.