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“Daddy, people die doing that”

One sentence from farmer Gareth Sproule’s daughter was all it took to change his normal practice when mixing slurry from dangerous to safe.

So moved was he by this that he posted the message below on Facebook.

“Tonight for the first time ever I haven’t went into the shed while pumping slurry….. why? Because my 4 year old daughter when she heard what I was going to do said to me ‘No daddy people die doing that’…. Funny how it takes a 4 year old to drive home a message!”

Gareth is related to committee member Jimmy Fenton, and he realised this message was a powerful reminder to all in the farming sector.

The Facebook post (now blown up to anA2 size poster) forms part of the Group’s stand when promoting farming safety and health at agricultural shows and is a welcome addition to the Farm Safe information packs we give out.

“We see people reading the message and then reflecting whilst their kids are learning about farm safety” said Jimmy. He went on to say “Farming safety is an integral part of what we do. Real life situations are very valuable in spreading the message and we’re delighted that George gave us permission to use this. We try and make our safety message to farmers as realistic as possible and appreciate that Industry Training Services supports us to deliver this by demonstrating hands on first aid (as well as how to use a defib) to farmers and their families”.

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