Controlling exposures to prevent occupational lung disease (Craigavon venue)
Occupational lung disease can occur in most industry sectors and is caused by a wide range of agents, from biological organisms through to dusts, fumes and vapours.
It continues to contribute substantially to work-related ill health and includes a wide range of conditions, from those that develop shortly after exposure (eg legionella infections, work-related asthma) to those that develop many years later such as pneumoconiosis, COPD, lung cancer and pleural mesothelioma which are life- limiting and/or life-altering.
This hands-on meeting will cover :-
● Background and stats on occupational lung disease and why you should do something about it
● Identifying your hazards
● Understanding and assessing risk
● Controlling your risk
● Practical face fit demonstration
● 2 interactive case studies
● Sources of help and guidance/Q & A/Networking
- Controlling exposures to prevent occupational lung disease