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Building Mental Health

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Lifeline Northern Ireland’s crisis response helpline 24/7
Samaritans Talk to us 24/7
The Lighthouse Club Construction Industry Helpline 24/7
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Get Help Now 24/7
Lifeline Northern Ireland’s crisis response helpline 24/7

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Samaritans Talk to us 24/7

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The Lighthouse Club Construction Industry Helpline 24/7
Signposts to other help, support & information More Info

The material provided by the Building Mental Health Alliance (BMHA) and NI Safety Group (NISG) on this page is for informational purposes only. BMHA and NISG do not accept any liability whatsoever for the contents (including attachments), usage or onward transmission including any loss or damage howsoever arising out of the use or reliance on its contents.

In providing this information BMHA and NISG are not acting in an advisory capacity. Nothing in the material provided constitutes legal or professional advice. The material provided is protected by copyright. It may not be copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded, posted, broadcast or transmitted in any way except for your own personal, non-commercial use. Prior written consent of BMHA and NISG must be obtained for any other use of material.

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